High Fidelity 3D Environment toolchain + 3D Asset Library

Traffic signs, road facilities 6000+Traffic signs, traffic lights, road markings, sidewalks, fences Vehicles 200+ vehicles Trucks, commercial vehicles, family sedans, family SUVs, special vehicles, tricycles, bicycles Vegetation 1000+ trees, 30+ types of vegetation SOTIF road falling/accumulation/abnormal vehicle painting/status/pedestrian clothing/movement

Automatically generates
Perceptual testing simulation scenes

Use procedure generation techniques Based on HD map Supports roads and surrounding elements Can be configured to different styles

Physical-level Sensor models

Laboratory camera parameter calibration Parameter simulation (distortion, fisheye, color restoration, dynamic range, white balance, glare, color difference, etc.) Scene factors (based on physical lighting models, complex weather systems) Abnormal situation (obstruction, dust, liquid splashing)